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Goals and Objectives

PThe goals of the OBU Physics department are to produce graduates that not only appreciate the beauty and power of physics to describe the universe in which we live, but also possess an understanding of its relationship to the rest of society. To this end, our department strives to:

Goal #1:   Knowledge
Equip the physics major for graduate school, a career in physics, or any other profession to which the skills, knowledge and insights of a physicist are transferable.

Goal #2:   Research
Supplement a physics majors’ curriculum with extracurricular professional development experiences, such as undergraduate research and participation in professional meetings.

Goal #3:   Problem-Solving
Train students in a variety of problem solving and analytical thinking techniques within the classroom, lab or research settings.

Goal #4:   Outreach
Meet the needs of students in other majors who require some physics background.

Goal #5:   Community Involvement
Encourage involvement in leadership and service opportunities as they arise within the department, the campus and the community at large.

PA student graduating from Ouachita with a major in Physics will have been exposed to a wide range of principles from classical and modern physics. These principles are presented during the learning process with the express purpose of preparing students for further study in graduate school or for immediate application within a chosen profession.

Learning Objectives Students graduating with a major in Physics will

  • Gain an understanding of the history and knowledge of physics and the physics principles that shape our world
  • Develop problem solving and critical thinking skills
  • Develop insight into the scientific process by making connections between ideas and elements not just within physics, but within all disciplines
  • Gain applied experience through hands-on learning in a lab setting or in research
  • Develop effective written and oral skills in forms and styles appropriate to the scientific professions, audiences and purposes they serve

Next Steps
