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3 Year BS Degree


An accelerated degree course of study is available for academically qualified and well-motivated students to earn a full Bachelor of Science degree in Physics or Engineering Physics. This option allows them to graduate sooner than they would in a traditional four year program. The benefits to this course of study include:

  • Reducing the cost of an undergraduate education (a full years expense!)
  • Leaving an extra year of federal loans that can be applied to graduate school
  • Entering the work force or graduate school a year sooner
  • Being eligible for summer research after freshman year (typically must wait two years)

Prospective students may request an accelerated degree schedule if they enter Ouachita as a freshman with 16 college credit hours for the following courses:

  • Western Civilization in Global Context (3 hr)
  • Composition I (3 hr)
  • *Calculus I (4 hr)
  • **Foreign Language (6 hr)

Students embarking on the accelerated degree course of study will be monitored carefully to ensure they are performing at expected levels. If a student finds that they are unable to maintain the level of involvement necessary or their performance is less than required, a student will be strongly encouraged to convert into a traditional four year degree course of study.

No one undertakes research in physics with the intention of winning a prize. It is the joy of discovering something no one knew before.
- Stephen Hawking (Theoretical Physicist and Author)

If you would like more information about this exciting degree, please contact us at [email protected].


*Full credit for Calculus I is absolutely required as a student MUST start Calculus II as a freshman. Otherwise, course sequencing issues will prevent a student from graduating in three years.

**A student can transfer in Six hours of foreign language or take these courses during summer terms. It is possible that if a student transfers in more courses than listed above, time would be available for these courses to be taken during a regular school year. Due to potential scheduling issues, it is still recommend that the language courses be taken during summer terms.

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