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Ouachita Stories


Alumni profile: Bonita Watts, creator of the famous McDonald's apple pie

May 13, 2019

Surely, at one time or another, you’ve walked into a McDonald’s restaurant and smelled the delicious aroma of apples and cinnamon, causing you to give in and order that tasty apple pie in a box. But did you know that without Ouachita alumna Bonita Watts (’62), you may have never tasted those tasty pies?


First job advice for anyone imperfect

May 08, 2019

Yes, it’s true, there is no other place in the world like Ouachita. In fact, your next adventure probably won’t feel familiar at all to anything you’ve experienced these past four (or more) years. The good news is that your cherished memories will stick with you forever, and the greatness ahead will all be worth it.


Still trying to decide which college is best for you? Do these three things.

April 26, 2019

It’s been four years, but I remember how stressed I felt when I was trying to decide between my top two college choices. I was torn and wanted to make sure that I picked the perfect home for the next four years of my life. My Ouachita admissions counselor made sure I knew everything I needed to know while choosing between OBU and another school, but she also shared some advice that was thoughtful, gave me more to consider and, in the end, helped me make my decision.


The life of a library worker

April 23, 2019

The library always seems to be a place where students can come and study to their heart’s delight. It is filled with the tools a student needs to be successful in college: computers, printers, books, even a charging station! Almost every student has spent at least a portion of their time in the library – preparing for an exam, a group project or working on that exegetical.


Breaking the "cycle": Fighting human trafficking on a 1,700-mile bike ride

April 17, 2019

In the spring of 2018, I was training for a 50k. This is a roughly 31-mile run on mountainous trails. The week before this race, I went on a training run with a few friends. We started Friday evening, running well into the night. We were running on Lake Ouachita Vista Trail right outside of Hot Springs. After running 14 out of 20 miles, I found myself alone, in the dark, running down Hickory Nut Mountain.


Remember the name: Inspiration for what to name your Tiger Traks team

April 05, 2019

Get ready! “Arkansas’ most exciting college weekend” is almost here! Nope, not Battle of the Ravine or Homecoming. It’s Tiger Traks!


Need a break? 8 spontaneous things you should do this spring

March 20, 2019

During the spring semester I always get a restless feeling. It never fails: the days are longer, and I am ready for summer because it feels like my days are filled with classes, work and the occasionally stressful extracurricular activity. I often find it very difficult to just relax.


6 tips as you search for private scholarships

March 05, 2019

You may have applied to college, made a visit to campus and thought about what you want to study, but now reality is setting in – you need to figure out how to pay for college. At Ouachita, once you are accepted and have submitted your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), you will receive a financial aid award letter that shows your scholarships, grants and available loans that will help you cover the costs of college.


From culture to culture: Study abroad has taught me what we have in common

February 27, 2019

Ouachita, which many of us affectionately call “the bubble,” is its own world and culture, of sorts. Many of us come from different backgrounds, states and even countries, but we can relate because we are studying for the same CORE classes, practicing for Tiger Tunes and standing out in the cold to cheer for the tigers during Battle of the Ravine.


Programmed to serve

February 19, 2019

Computer science is studying how computers work, and how to tell a computer what to do. Dr. Matocha, professor of computer science at Ouachita, talked to me about majoring in computer science toward the end of my freshman year. After two or three meetings, I was sold and switched to computer science and haven’t looked back since.


Teaching science meets Doctor Who

May 09, 2019

In March, the Patterson School of Natural Sciences hosted an event for local fourth through sixth grade girls called Girls in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math). The Saturday event was led by our class, Science for Elementary Teachers, and was an awesome chance for us to engage girls in the community and to help them feel empowered in male-dominated STEM fields.


What does attending a "Christian college" even mean? #askingforafriend

May 03, 2019

We know you have questions, some that you might be afraid to ask, about what to expect if you attend a Baptist university. We know that every Christian college is different, but we want you to know exactly what makes Ouachita, Ouachita. Here are answers to some of the questions we hear all the time, so there’s no need to ask “for your friends!”


Remembering Bill Downs

April 24, 2019

Bill Downs didn’t always tell the truth. I have proof of it. In 2004, Downs wrote a book called “The Fighting Tigers: The Untold Stories Behind the Names on the Ouachita Baptist University World War II Memorial." I asked him to autograph the book for me in December of that year, and this is what he wrote: “To Rex Nelson, the only OBU student I have ever had who wrote so beautifully that I never found anything to correct.”


Conger's grave: The story behind the resting place of Ouachita's founding president

April 19, 2019

Perhaps you’ve paused long enough by the river overlook on Ouachita’s campus to notice a small burial site. It is the final resting place of Ouachita’s founding and longest-serving president, Dr. John “Jack” William Conger, who died on April 7, 1924.


Early Registration (ER) podcast

April 12, 2019

Check out this podcast episode where Ouachita juniors Addy Goodman, Ethan Dial and Josh Salim sat down to discuss some helpful information and tips for a great Early Registration experience.


I'm only 18. How do I pay for college? #askingforafriend

April 03, 2019

We know you have questions, some that you might be afraid to ask, about how to pay for college in order to attend Ouachita. So, we’ve put together some common questions and answers to give it to you straight. No need to ask questions for your friends – we’ve got you!


I've never lived in a dorm before. HELP. #askingforafriend

March 06, 2019

We know you have questions, some that you might be afraid to ask, about campus housing at Ouachita. So, we’ve put together some common questions and answers to give it to you straight. No need to ask questions for your friends – we’ve got you!


Freshman dorm perks: It's not where you live, but who you live with

February 27, 2019

If you’re like me, the idea of living in a building with lots of tiny rooms that are full of random young women (we’re not girls anymore) who’ve just been released into adulthood isn’t very appealing. Yet, here I am, a junior, thinking back to all the fond memories I made living in Frances Crawford West my freshman year at Ouachita.


What is the Enneagram anyway?

February 22, 2019

Ennea…what? If you have been around Ouachita lately, you might have overheard some unfamiliar vocabulary or maybe even phrases like, “What number are you?” or “So, you’re a 9, wing 1? Well that explains a lot!” or “I’m having trouble figuring out if I’m a 2 or a 4.” Enneagram is a strange word for a helpful tool.


Finding opportunity in unfamiliar places: A first-generation student's journey

February 14, 2019

I considered myself to be an “average student” in high school. I wasn’t enrolled in gifted and talented courses, and college wasn’t highly spoken of within my immediate family. My mother received her GED and attended cosmetology school. As my brothers and I got older, she would tell us that she knew college wasn’t for everyone, but that she hoped we would go because she wanted us to have the experience that she missed out on for many years.


About the Ouachita Voices blog


The Ouachita Voices blog is a place for the people of Ouachita to tell the stories of Ouachita. Lend your voice to the conversation. Submit your ideas to [email protected].

Read more about the vision of the blog here. 




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