Many Christians have a chance to go on a mission trip, whether it be local or somewhere no one would ever think about going. At Ouachita, students are given the opportunity to travel and share their gifts and talents with people around the world. This summer, I got to travel to Poland to work with Breakthrough, teaching English to university students as well as having the opportunity to share God’s word.
From the "Ouachitonian": Valeria Gomez
October 17, 2022One thing that high school does not teach in classes is what happens when your dreams do not work out. Valeria Gomez, a junior communications & media/multimedia major from Alajuela, Costa Rica, has a testimony that encompasses this challenging path she had to navigate.
From the "Ouachitonian": Dr. Tim and Coach Todd Knight
October 17, 2022Ouachita’s favorite set of faculty football brothers – Head Football Coach Todd Knight and Dr. Tim Knight, dean of the J.D. Patterson School of Natural Sciences – continue to make a lasting impact on campus. As Coach Knight led his team to wins on the football field year after year, Dr. Knight experienced his victories in the classroom. This purple-and-gold bleeding set of brothers truly make Ouachita a better place. Coach Knight keeps Ouachita’s successful football program on the map as his brother is the face behind the entire Jones Science Center operation. These two brothers are special assets to Ouachita, and Ouachita wouldn’t be the same without the Knight family.
From the "Ouachitonian": Noah Barker
October 17, 2022Riding in ambulances, answering calls from patients in desperate need and starting his day off at the crack of dawn each morning describes a small part of Noah Barker’s fast paced job as an EMT.
From the "Ouachitonian": Mary Madison Tolbert
October 17, 2022Mary Madison Tolbert, a junior Christian studies and social justice studies major from Rockwall, Texas, spent her summer interning in San Francisco, Calif. She was located in the middle of the Tenderloin district with San Francisco City Impact, a nonprofit organization. Tolbert was connected to this organization through a longstanding relationship with her home church in Texas and a past mission trip where she worked with City Impact. Tolbert described the Tenderloin district as an area concentrated with homelessness and poverty.
From the "Ouachitonian": Kevin Merino
October 17, 2022The Ravine Rovers began their journey during the first semester of the 2021-2022 academic year at Ouachita as a group of students looking for an organized league in which to play soccer. The team was initially created by Kevin Merino, a senior biology major from Wylie, Texas, and Logan Daust, a senior business administration/sport management major from Plano, Texas.
From the "Ouachitonian": Joey Whisenhunt
October 17, 2022Joey Whisenhunt, a sophomore business administration/entrepreneurship and business administration/management double major from Conway, Ark., grew up engaged in the world of piloting. When he turned 15, his own journey to become a pilot began.
From the "Ouachitonian": Isabella Bejarano
October 17, 2022After witnessing a heartbreaking experience, she wanted to make a difference. She thought about those around her and desired to take a stand so that others could look out for it as well.
From the "Ouachitonian": Gabe Goodman
October 17, 2022It was the fourth quarter with 57 seconds left. The Henderson Reddies and the Tigers were tied at 28-28. The Ouachita fans were silent as Gabe Goodman, a junior finance major from Arkadelphia, Ark., prepared for a 53-yard field goal to win the game. The Henderson Reddies’ cheers shook Cliff Harris Stadium as he approached the football.
From the "Ouachitonian": Caroline Derby
October 17, 2022Growing up in Arkadelphia and serving as Miss OBU has given Caroline Derby the opportunity of a lifetime. A junior communications & media/multimedia and political science double major, Derby has grown up dreaming about being a student at Ouachita. Derby has seen Ouachita from many different perspectives including coach’s daughter, faculty and staff daughter and student leader, as well as Miss Ouachita Baptist University.
From the "Ouachitonian": Wyatt House
October 17, 2022Leaving all other sports behind, Wyatt House decided to pursue powerlifting. House, a freshman biomedical sciences major from Little Rock, Ark., achieved first place in the 90kg USPA for his junior class in April 2021. He held the state record deadlift of 507 lbs. His current personal records include 430 pounds in squats, 245 pounds in bench press, and 585 pounds in deadlifts.
From the "Ouachitonian": Drs. Amy and Doug Sonheim
October 17, 2022The infectious laughter of Dr. Amy Sonheim and the careful clicking of a keyboard from Dr. Doug Sonheim would help fill the Language and Literature department for years before their combined retirement from Ouachita in Spring 2022. In the years that they have worked at Ouachita, the couple has made some amazing changes to the university.
From the "Ouachitonian": Ryan Wheeler
October 17, 2022Ever since he was young, Ryan Wheeler obtained a passion that would follow him the rest of his life.
From the "Ouachitonian": Meghann Bledsoe
October 17, 2022Meghann Bledsoe was one of many people in America who grew up bilingual. Her second language is not spoken, though. Bledsoe grew up fluent in American Sign Language.
From the "Ouachitonian": Mallorie Warner
October 17, 2022Many college students have struggled with time management when it comes to school, sports and other extracurricular activities. For Mallorie Warner, a freshman Christian ministries/missions and graphic design double major from Benton, Ark., this included running a full-time business.
From the "Ouachitonian": Kellen Church
October 17, 2022At the age of five, a young girl established a love for a sport that would impact her for the rest of her life. Years following, a love for another sport blossomed, leading her to play two sports throughout her life.
From the "Ouachitonian": Jaymee Dotson
October 17, 2022Many university students begin college life and choose to become involved in something that brings them joy and fulfillment, and this case is no different with soccer player Jaymee Dotson, a senior kinesiology/leisure pre-professional studies major from Princeton, Texas. At the age of six, Dotson developed a deep appreciation for the sport, a passion that continues as she reflected upon God’s plan in bringing her to Ouachita through her devotion to soccer.
From the "Ouachitonian": Harry Jeffrey
October 17, 2022Years before attending Ouachita, Harry Jeffrey, a senior biology and chemistry double major from Camden, Ark., knew that he wanted to become a Tiger Tunes director.
From the "Ouachitonian": Christa Neal
October 17, 2022Christa Neal accepted the position of program advisor for community and family services in June 2021. This major trains and equips students to pursue careers in fields of community, family and social services, as well as graduate education for counseling, social work and more. This program needed someone with a variety of experiences in these fields, and Neal was the perfect fit.
From the "Ouachitonian": Brad Richardson
October 17, 2022Brad Richardson, a junior Christian studies/Christian ministry major from Lonoke, Ark., grew up in a family with a tradition of military service. The Richardson family can trace their military history all the way back to the Revolutionary War. Because of this rich history, Richardson had a great example of what service looked like while he was growing up, and he started his journey with the military during his freshman year of high school.
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The Ouachita Voices blog is a place for the people of Ouachita to tell the stories of Ouachita. Lend your voice to the conversation. Submit your ideas to [email protected].
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