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Goals and Objectives

Mathematics Goals and Objectives


Goal #1: Problem-Solving. (ULG 1,5,6)

To develop student's ability to apply both conventional and creative techniques to the solution of mathematical problems.
Student Learning Objectives: Students graduating with a major in mathematics will
  1. Be able to use problem-solving techniques to formulate a mathematical model for and solve a complex problem.
  2. Be able to make appropriate use of technology in the solution of a mathematical problem.


Goal #2: Abstraction and Proof. (ULG 1,5)

To develop student's ability to comprehend, formulate, and produce mathematical proof.
Student Learning Objectives: Students graduating with a major in mathematics will
  1. Be able to read and comprehend a mathematical argument, identifying any flaws in its reasoning.
  2. Be able to use mathematical reasoning to prove or disprove conjectures.
  3. Be able to write formal mathematical proofs.
  4. Be able to use abstraction and generalization to make and test conjectures and to revise them as necessary.


Goal #3: Communication. (ULG 1,5)

To develop student's ability to communicate correct mathematical content in both written and oral form.
Student Learning Objectives: Students graduating with a major in mathematics will
  1. Be able to communicate sound mathematical reasoning and solutions of mathematical problems in writing.
  2. Be able to communicate sound mathematical reasoning and solutions of mathematical problems through oral presentations.
  3. Be able to collaborate with peers to solve mathematical problems.
  4. Use a variety of representations of mathematical ideas to support and deepen students' mathematical understanding. (Secondary Education majors)


Goal #4: Breadth. (ULG 1,5,6)

To provide students with the understanding that mathematics comprises a broad array of interconnected concepts.
Student Learning Objectives: Students graduating with a major in mathematics will
  1. Possess the mathematical content knowledge and skills from several foundational areas of mathematics, including calculus, algebra, discrete mathematics, and linear algebra.
  2. Identify an array of other areas of mathematics and how they interrelate.
  3. Possess a deep understanding of the mathematical content knowledge and skills taught at the secondary level. (Secondary Education majors)


Goal #5: Depth. (ULG 1,5)

To engage students in an in-depth study of a single area of mathematics.
Student Learning Objectives: Students graduating with a major in mathematics will
  1. Complete a capstone project and/or an extended study of an advanced area of undergraduate mathematics.
  2. Possess a pedagogical knowledge specific to mathematics teaching and learning. (Secondary Education majors)


Goal #6: Independent Learning. (ULG 1,5,6)

To prepare students for a lifetime of learning and for success in their future mathematical endeavors.
Student Learning Objectives: Students graduating with a major in mathematics will
  1. Be able to read and learn from mathematical literature such as textbooks and journals.
  2. Be adequately prepared for success in graduate school, secondary teaching, and careers requiring analytical skills.


Computer Science Goals and Objectives


Goal #1: Problem-Solving. (ULG 1,5,6)

To develop students' ability to apply a range of techniques in solving problems.
Student Learning Objectives: Students graduating with a major in computer science will
  1. Be able to apply appropriate programming techniques to solve small-scale problems (i.e., in the small). This means choosing appropriate language constructs (e.g., conditions, repetition, function and class decomposition), data structures (e.g., arrays, stacks, associative arrays, heaps), and algorithms to solve a fairly small problem.
  2. Be able to select appropriate components to solve large-scale problems (i.e., in the large). This means choosing between appropriate data structures, algorithms, and system-level components (e.g., servers, databases, network protocols).


Goal #2: Independent Learning. (ULG 1,5,6)

To develop students' ability to adapt to new technologies and relate them to their previous knowledge.
Student Learning Objectives: Students graduating with a major in computer science will
  1. Be able to complete a project which uses technologies not covered in any class. This may include completely new technology or the use of unexplored features during coursework.
  2. Be able to solve problems in multiple languages (e.g., Current Languages, Programming Languages, Internet Development).


Goal #3: Ethical and Professional Behavior. (ULG 3)

To challenge students to consider the ethical and integrity issues related to technology.
Student Learning Objectives: Students graduating with a major in computer science will
  1. Be guided by ethical principles in their careers as informed by Christian values.


Goal #4: Communication. (ULG 1,5)

To develop student's ability to communicate effectively in both written and oral form.
Student Learning Objectives: Students graduating with a major in computer science will
  1. Be able to to communicate in writing (e.g., technical reports, project documentation, software development artifacts).
  2. Be able to communicate orally (e.g., new technology not covered in class, project presentations, code reviews)..
  3. Be able to document program code using appropriate tools (e.g., JavaDoc. UML).

Next Steps



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